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Video Series

Mercury Soul: Cathedral Episode 2

Release Date: August 21st, 2020

The music of JS Bach is complemented in two imaginative ways:  San Francisco Ballet soloist Julia Rowe dances to a Bach bourree, while Studio Drift’s ‘Flylight’ art installation accompanies Bach’s violin Sonata No. 2.  A contemplative work by Dale Trumbore brings the majestic sounds of a brass ensemble into the church.  Mason Bates opens the episode with an ambient electronic work based on his score for Gus Van Sant’s film “The Sea of Trees,” starring Matthew McConnoughey.


Bach – Cello Suite No.3 Bouree (Jonah Kim, cello & Julia Rowe, San Francisco Ballet soloist)

Bates – Sea of  Trees (Vineet Gopal & DJ Masonic)

Bach – Sonata No. 2 Andante (Matthew Szemela, violin)

Trumbore –  In the Light of Late November (Brass Over Bridges, brass quintet)

Bates – Walk the Dog (Eclecta String Quartet & DJ Masonic)

Mercury Soul: Cathedral is a 4-part miniseries of meditative music and electronica that showcases a vibrant new way of presenting live music digitally. Filmed in the sumptuous Saint Joseph’s Arts Society in San Francisco, the series features the seamless alternation between classical music and DJing for which Mercury Soul has become known.

More Episodes

Mercury Soul: Cathedral Episode 1

Release Date: August 15th, 2020

Mercury Soul: Cathedral Episode 3

Release Date: August 29th, 2020

Mercury Soul: Cathedral Episode 4

Release Date: September 5th, 2020