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Classical Revolution

Classical Revolution

Classical Revolution was founded in the fall of 2006 when several former and current San Francisco Conservatory of Music students met at Revolution Cafe in San Francisco's Mission District for public chamber music reading sessions.

In the 8+ years since, Classical Revolution has presented more than 1200 chamber music events in venues all around the SF Bay Area, with the goal of presenting high quality performances in locations that are publicly accessible.
The concept has spread to other cities, with chapters and offshoots currently active in Seattle, Portland, LA, Miami, Paris. Amsterdam, Detroit, Baltimore, Phoenix, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Madison, Washington DC, and more

Over 800 musicians have participated in Classical Revolution events in San Francisco alone. These musicians come from a variety of backgrounds, from members of major symphonies and international concert soloists to amateur musicians who have found an outlet for their love of chamber music, to jazz and folk musicians whom we collaborate and share ideas with.